Know about the weather of Varkala before you are all set for your trip there. All through the year the weather of Varkala remains pleasant. So, learn about its weather from the detail mentioned below and plan your trip accordingly.
Weather in Varkala
Summer Season (March to June)
It is not recommended to visit Varkala during summers, as the weather remains extremely hot and humid. The temperature of Varkala varies from 22°C to 40°C in its summer months- March to May.
Monsoon Season (July to September)
Varkala receives monsoon rains from June till September. The rains renew everything, while rejuvenating the greenery of the place.
Winter Season (December to February)
December marks the beginning of winters in Varkala, which lasts till February. It experiences pleasantly cool climate with temperature ranging from 12°C to 31°C. Therefore, winter is considered as an ideal season for sightseeing in Varkala.
The best time to visit Varkala is from October to March.