The cuisine of Sariska is not very different from that of Rajasthan’s general cuisine. There are quite a few luxury heritage hotels and resorts inside the tiger reserve, which provide top quality food in their signature restaurant.
The cuisine focuses on dried berries, spices, lentils and minimal fresh vegetables that grow in the desert soil. Thus, the local traditional cuisine has very little vegetable dishes in it. Mutton is the main meat used in this cuisine. The cuisine focuses on cooking the meat to a very tender state in cream or milk, as water is minimally found in this region. Chicken dishes are not very common; however, you can find a few.
As stated before, milk and milk products are very common in this cuisine. Thus, most of the dessert and snacks that you find this is cuisine is rich in milk products. If you are lactose intolerant, you might have a battling time in choosing a dish to try. Below are the list of top snacks and desserts of Sariska cuisine.
Before you try consuming local dishes in Sariska, here are a few things that you need to know.