Varanasi is one of the famous tourist destinations of India. Thus, you can find numerous modes of transportation from various parts of the country to reach Varanasi, every day. Find here How to Reach Varanasi:
The city of Varanasi has Lal Bahadur Shastri airport, a little away from the heart of the city. You can find frequent flights from Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, and others. Many cities are connected with Varanasi via direct or connecting flights, every day. From the airport, you can find cabs, and other road transportation to reach the city.
If you are flying from an international destination, the best option is to fly to Delhi international airport or Mumbai international airport and catch flight to Varanasi.
Varanasi is well connected with many major cities and states of the country via bus. You can find both government and private buses from destinations like Lucknow, Delhi, Allahabad, Patna, Ranchi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and others. You can also hire cabs frommany parts of the country to Varanasi.
There are two railway stations in the city; namely, the Varanasi Junction and Kashi Junction. The Varanasi Junction or Varanasi Cantonment is the busiest station of the city. You can find Rajdhani Express from Delhi and Kolkata to Varanasi. Apart from this, there are numerous trains from Mumbai, Lucknow, Patna, Gorakhpur, Gwalior, Raipur, Surat, Kanpur, Hyderabad, Jammu, and others. The railway stations are around 10 km away from the heart of the city. You can find any road transportation from any of the stations to the city.
The Maharajas’ Express luxury train covers Varanasi as a part of its tour itinerary, The Indian Panorama.
Distance between Varanasi and Delhi is 780 km.
If you are choosing flights, you can find numerous airlines running from Delhi to Varanasi non-stop, every day. Many state buses, private buses and cabs are available from Delhi to Varanasi, every day. Top trains running from Delhi to Varanasi are Neelachal Express, NdlsGhy Special, New Delhi Kashi Vishwanath Express, and others. Not all trains run throughout the week. Thus, check with IRCTC for more details.
Distance between Varanasi and Mumbai is 1613 km.
Train travel from Mumbai to Varanasi takes a minimum of 24 hours. BsbLtt Sup Express is the most commonly opted train to travel from Mumbai to Varanasi. If you are choosing flights, you can find non-stop flights from Mumbai to Varanasi. It will take a minimum of 2 hours and 20 minutes to reach Mumbai. Top trains to choose between the two destinations are Mahanagari Express, Suvidha Special, RNCLTT Express, and others. You can also find buses and cabs from Mumbai to Varanasi, with ease.
Distance between Varanasi and Bangalore is 1779 km.
There are both direct and connecting flights between Bangalore and Varanasi. Direct flights are less frequent and take 2.5 hours to reach the destination. You can also choose to fly via via Delhi or Mumbai. The fastest connecting flight takes more than 4 hours to reach Varanasi from Bangalore. The fastest train between Bangalore and Varanasi is Banaswadi - Patna Humsafar Express, which takes 43.5 hours to reach. Other top trains to choose are Sanghamitra SF Express, Bagmati Express, Yesvantpur-Patliputra SF Express, and others. You can also find frequent buses from Bangalore to Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Hyderabad is 1217 km.
You can find direct flights from Hyderabad to Varanasi with an average flying time of 2 hours. There are no direct buses from Hyderabad to Varanasi. There are no trains from Hyderabad to Varanasi, either. One needs to travel from Hyderabad to Secunderabad to catch trains or bus to Varanasi. Distance between Hyderabad and Secunderabad is 8 km. From Secunderabad, you can find Secunderabad - Danapur SF Express and Secunderabad -Raxaul special fare express trains. The Danapur SF Express takes 29 hours to reach Varanasi. The Raxaul special fare express train halts at Mughalsarai, which is 18 km away from Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Kolkata is 680 km.
If you are choosing trains, top trains running between the two destinations are KoaaAGC Express, Poorva Express, Durgiana Express, Howrah Lucknow Express, and others. Minimum train travel is 9 hours and 40 minutes to reach Varanasi from Kolkata. You can find direct flights from Kolkata to Varanasi. The average flying time is little less than 2 hours. There are no direct buses from Kolkata to Varanasi. If you wish to travel via bus, you need to reach Bihar Sharif from Kolkata and from Bihar; you can find buses or trains to Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Kerala is 2134 km
There is one direct train from Ernakulum to Varanasi, the ERS Patna Express. However, the train takes 53 hours and 45 minutes to reach Varanasi and is the least chosen option. There are a few flights which run directly from Ernakulum to Varanasi. It takes five hours and ten minutes of flying to reach Varanasi. If you are looking for bus options, the most opted one is bus from Ernakulum to Mumbai and any mode of transportation from Mumbai to Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Chennai is 1813 km
The Ganga Kaveri Express and RMMMUV Express are the top main trains from Chennai to Varanasi. It takes 37.5 hours to reach Varanasi from Chennai. You can find direct flights from Chennai to Varanasi. The fastest air travel takes 7 hours and 15 minutes. There are no direct buses from Chennai to Varanasi. You can find buses to Mumbai or Delhi and find buses there to reach Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Pune is 235 km.
Top trains to choose to travel from Pune to Varanasi are PA Gorakhpur Express, Gyan Ganga Express, Darbhanga Express, Dikshabhoomi Express, and others. The minimum time taken for train travel is 27 hours and 5 minutes. You can find direct flights from Pune to Varanasi. The fastest flight takes 5 hours to reach Varanasi. If you are choosing buses, you can find direct buses from Pune to Lucknow and again board a bus from Lucknow to Varanasi.
The availability of buses, cabs, train tickets, and air tickets is subjective to the demand. The demand for transportation to Varanasi is at the highest during winter season, and during any major religious festivals. Thus, pre-book as early as possible.
The city of Varanasi has Lal Bahadur Shastri airport, a little away from the heart of the city. You can find frequent flights from Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, and others. Many cities are connected with Varanasi via direct or connecting flights, every day. From the airport, you can find cabs, and other road transportation to reach the city.
Varanasi is well connected with many major cities and states of the country via bus. You can find both government and private buses from destinations like Lucknow, Delhi, Allahabad, Patna, Ranchi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and others. You can also hire cabs frommany parts of the country to Varanasi.
There are two railway stations in the city; namely, the Varanasi Junction and Kashi Junction. The Varanasi Junction or Varanasi Cantonment is the busiest station of the city. You can find Rajdhani Express from Delhi and Kolkata to Varanasi. Apart from this, there are numerous trains from Mumbai, Lucknow, Patna, Gorakhpur, Gwalior, Raipur, Surat, Kanpur, Hyderabad, Jammu, and others. The railway stations are around 10 km away from the heart of the city. You can find any road transportation from any of the stations to the city.
The Maharajas’ Express luxury train covers Varanasi as a part of its tour itinerary, The Indian Panorama.
Distance between Varanasi and Delhi is 780 km.
Distance between Varanasi and Mumbai is 1613 km.
Train travel from Mumbai to Varanasi takes a minimum of 24 hours. BsbLtt Sup Express is the most commonly opted train to travel from Mumbai to Varanasi. If you are choosing flights, you can find non-stop flights from Mumbai to Varanasi. It will take a minimum of 2 hours and 20 minutes to reach Mumbai. Top trains to choose between the two destinations are Mahanagari Express, Suvidha Special, RNCLTT Express, and others. You can also find buses and cabs from Mumbai to Varanasi, with ease.
Distance between Varanasi and Bangalore is 1779 km.
There are both direct and connecting flights between Bangalore and Varanasi. Direct flights are less frequent and take 2.5 hours to reach the destination. You can also choose to fly via via Delhi or Mumbai. The fastest connecting flight takes more than 4 hours to reach Varanasi from Bangalore. The fastest train between Bangalore and Varanasi is Banaswadi - Patna Humsafar Express, which takes 43.5 hours to reach. Other top trains to choose are Sanghamitra SF Express, Bagmati Express, Yesvantpur-Patliputra SF Express, and others. You can also find frequent buses from Bangalore to Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Hyderabad is 1217 km.
You can find direct flights from Hyderabad to Varanasi with an average flying time of 2 hours. There are no direct buses from Hyderabad to Varanasi. There are no trains from Hyderabad to Varanasi, either. One needs to travel from Hyderabad to Secunderabad to catch trains or bus to Varanasi. Distance between Hyderabad and Secunderabad is 8 km. From Secunderabad, you can find Secunderabad - Danapur SF Express and Secunderabad -Raxaul special fare express trains. The Danapur SF Express takes 29 hours to reach Varanasi. The Raxaul special fare express train halts at Mughalsarai, which is 18 km away from Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Kolkata is 680 km.
If you are choosing trains, top trains running between the two destinations are KoaaAGC Express, Poorva Express, Durgiana Express, Howrah Lucknow Express, and others. Minimum train travel is 9 hours and 40 minutes to reach Varanasi from Kolkata. You can find direct flights from Kolkata to Varanasi. The average flying time is little less than 2 hours. There are no direct buses from Kolkata to Varanasi. If you wish to travel via bus, you need to reach Bihar Sharif from Kolkata and from Bihar; you can find buses or trains to Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Kerala is 2134 km
There is one direct train from Ernakulum to Varanasi, the ERS Patna Express. However, the train takes 53 hours and 45 minutes to reach Varanasi and is the least chosen option. There are a few flights which run directly from Ernakulum to Varanasi. It takes five hours and ten minutes of flying to reach Varanasi. If you are looking for bus options, the most opted one is bus from Ernakulum to Mumbai and any mode of transportation from Mumbai to Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Chennai is 1813 km
The Ganga Kaveri Express and RMMMUV Express are the top main trains from Chennai to Varanasi. It takes 37.5 hours to reach Varanasi from Chennai. You can find direct flights from Chennai to Varanasi. The fastest air travel takes 7 hours and 15 minutes. There are no direct buses from Chennai to Varanasi. You can find buses to Mumbai or Delhi and find buses there to reach Varanasi.
Distance between Varanasi and Pune is 235 km.
Top trains to choose to travel from Pune to Varanasi are PA Gorakhpur Express, Gyan Ganga Express, Darbhanga Express, Dikshabhoomi Express, and others. The minimum time taken for train travel is 27 hours and 5 minutes. You can find direct flights from Pune to Varanasi. The fastest flight takes 5 hours to reach Varanasi. If you are choosing buses, you can find direct buses from Pune to Lucknow and again board a bus from Lucknow to Varanasi.
The availability of buses, cabs, train tickets, and air tickets is subjective to the demand. The demand for transportation to Varanasi is at the highest during winter season, and during any major religious festivals. Thus, pre-book as early as possible.