Civilizations all across are busy in amassing enormous material wealth. Be it American, European or Asiatic, everyone’s busy in producing more and more. Having achieved the status of super power or aspiring to be one of them, this world is heading towards total annihilation. It is the fear that brings peace to this world. Spiritual holy city Varanasi is like any other city in India that not only talks peace but lives the same in its every speck. If there are places on earth rendering conducive conditions for bringing out peaceful creatures, Varanasi is the forerunners among them. Don’t get surprised to witness the enormous spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment that spans out there in this city. There are ashrams with yoga retreats and above even if you refuse you budge into all, the soaking simply in the ambiance of it makes the one to realize the futility of material accumulation. The city stands proudly stands on the Ganges River in the northeastern state of Uttar Pradesh. A holy city considered by all, Hindus, Buddhists and Jains, this city is suitable for all kinds of pilgrims and travelers. The most fascinating part of this city is its ghats. The bathing crowds immersing in waters in order to get purified is one of its fascinating features. The ghats showcase the stairways that percolate to the inner side of the river. The temples in the region also make things fascinating. Honoring many gods and goddesses, this city homes a sizable number of temples. Built during the ancient times, these temples represent the glorious spiritual past that can be lived now. Read More :
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