Best Time To Visit Trivandrum

Before planning your trip to Trivandrum, know closely about the climate of the city so that you can enjoy to the fullest. We provide you with the weather summary of Trivandrum below.

Weather in Trivandrum

Summer Season (March - May)

Trivandrum experiences summer from March to May. During this season, the climate remains hot and humid. The temperature varies between 25°C to 37°C during summer.

Monsoon Season (June - September)

Monsoon arrives in the month of June and lasts till September. Trivandrum receives heavy rainfall during this season. The weather remains cool and pleasant with a drop in temperature from 30°C to 22°C.

Winter Season (November - February)

November brings in the winter season in Trivandrum. It lasts till February. The temperature drops further and varies between 18°C to 30°C. It is considered as the best time to visit Trivandrum as the weather remains cool.